Molo Revival Church Sunday School Kids

Shine at Dickens FM – 96.7

Open Doors of Grace Ministry

Step into a world of youthful talent, inspiration, and faith as the Sunday School kids from Molo Revival Church take center stage at Dickens FM – 96.7!

Welcome to a page dedicated to a memorable day when the young talents of Molo Revival Church’s Sunday School took the spotlight at Dickens FM – 96.7. This event was a vibrant showcase of youthful enthusiasm, creativity, and unwavering faith. Here’s a glimpse into the magical moments that unfolded during this inspiring day.
The kids, guided by their dedicated Sunday school teachers and accompanied by Molo Revival pastors, embarked on a unique journey to Dickens FM. It was a day filled with anticipation, excitement, and the joy of sharing their faith with the community.

A Day of Talents

At Dickens FM, the young stars of Molo Revival Church’s Sunday School dazzled the audience with a variety of performances. From energetic dances to heartfelt recitations of poems, they left a lasting impression on everyone present. Their melodious singing uplifted spirits and resonated with the theme of the event—Proverbs 22:6.
Proverbs 22:6 served as the guiding principle for this unforgettable event. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” The kids, through their performances and actions, embodied the essence of this verse, highlighting the importance of nurturing faith in our young ones.

An Event Organized by Rev. Onesmas Kibiru

The event’s success was made possible through the dedicated efforts of Rev. Onesmas Kibiru, the visionary leader and founder of The Open Door of Grace International Ministry. His commitment to creating opportunities for the community’s children to express their faith and talents shone brightly during this special day.
The day at Dickens FM – 96.7 was not just a showcase of talents but a reflection of the nurturing environment that Molo Revival Church provides for its youth. It was an embodiment of faith, love, and community. We hope that this event continues to inspire the children and all those who were fortunate to witness it.

Join Us on the Journey

We extend an invitation to you to join us on this transformative path. Our loving community will support and guide you as we grow together in faith, experience God’s redeeming love, and discover the eternal hope found only in Jesus Christ.
Come as you are, and let us walk this faith journey together. Join The Open Door of Grace International Ministry today and experience the power of salvation, the joy of fellowship, and the everlasting hope that can only be found in Jesus.