Computer Literacy Class

Computer Literacy Class

At The Open Door of Grace International Ministry, we are committed to transforming lives through education. Our current initiative, the Computer Literacy Class, aims to equip 45 students from Molo, Nakuru with essential computer skills. Your support can help us achieve this mission and make a lasting impact on our community. About the Computer Class...

Ministry Support

Ministry Support

Stand with us in our mission to provide comfort and community growth. Your contribution will help us acquire mattresses, instruments, and chairs for our expanding ministry, enhancing the impact of our open-air meetings and accommodating new members. Join the movement today. Join us in extending a helping hand to support our thriving ministry in Molo...

Counseling – Professional and Compassionate Support for Healing and Growth

Counseling – Professional and Compassionate Support for Healing and Growth

At The Open Door, we offer a range of counseling services to provide professional support, guidance, and healing in various areas of life. Our dedicated team of counselors, led by Reverend Onesmus Kibiru, is committed to creating a safe and confidential space where individuals can find solace, gain clarity, and experience personal growth. Couple Counseling:...

Bible College: Equipping Leaders for Kingdom Impact

Bible College: Equipping Leaders for Kingdom Impact

Our objective of establishing a Bible College stems from the belief that education and biblical training are vital for equipping leaders who will make a lasting impact on society. The Open Door of Grace International Bible College provides a comprehensive curriculum, taught by experienced faculty, to nurture students’ understanding of God’s Word, develop their spiritual...

Video and Media Class: Unleash Your Creativity

Video and Media Class: Unleash Your Creativity

Our Video and Media Class is designed to help you explore the world of visual storytelling, videography, and media production. Learn the technical skills, techniques, and creative approaches to convey powerful messages through visuals. Join our class to discover the art of storytelling and make a meaningful impact through media.

Guitar Class: Discover the Joy of Music

Guitar Class: Discover the Joy of Music

Our Guitar Class offers a unique opportunity to learn and master the art of playing the guitar while deepening your connection with God through music. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, our skilled instructors will guide you on this musical journey, fostering a sense of worship, creativity, and joy. Discover the joy of...

Project Building

Project Building

Our Building Projects focus on expanding and enhancing our physical infrastructure to better serve our community and fulfill our mission. Stay updated on our ongoing and upcoming projects, which aim to create spaces that facilitate worship, fellowship, education, and outreach. Join us in building a future where lives are transformed and God’s love shines brightly....